Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Habit Challenge Will Start Again Soon!

The last Habit Challenge was such a success that I am ready to do it again. We will start the next habit challenge a week from tomorrow. It will go from Wednesday, October 22-Tuesday, November 11th.

If you'd like to join us, please let me know in the comments. You will need to prayerfully choose a habit that you commit to doing every day for 21 days. The key is to start small and commit to follow through every day for 21 days. Then, you will have a new, positive habit that will come naturally to you (or at least more naturally than before!)

For more information on choosing a habit, go here.

As before, we will have regular check-ins, but I hopefully (with the help of my hunky techie/husband) will be able to figure a way to do it off-site. so as not to totally clog my blog with Habit Challenge Check-in posts. :-)

I am not sure yet what my habit will be this time, but I know I will also commit to maintaining the habit of going to bed on time. It has made a huge difference in my life in so many ways.


Charlotte Cushman said...

Hey Brandi - I think I am ready to commit! I have been working on getting up at 6 am every day and have been doing a pretty good job, but with some hit or miss according to letting circumstances dictate. So my habit will be to get up at 6 am every morning. Thanks char

Anonymous said...

One that weighs so heavily on my heart is the amount on time I spend in front of the computer screen. I know that this is an area that I MUST work on. I still need to chew on exactly how to approach it. Do I allow myself a certain amount of time a day? Do I say no computer after 9 am? Yeah (big sigh) I need to spend some time in prayer and thought about this.

Brandi said...

Tami--I have had the same conviction and after prayer have come up with a plan that will likely evolve, but it's a good start.

First of all, I don't go online until I have had my quiet time. No way, for no reason. Just too many distractions.

Secondly, I have come up with a "schedule" of times where I am to not be online. Mine is 830-10am, 1030am-12pm, 1-3pm. These are prime times of homeschooling for me and it is always a temptation to check my e-mail or a blog when the kids are working and don't need me, but it often seems to suck me in. Better for me to be fully available. So far, it has worked well.

But whatever you do, start small!!


Anonymous said...

Yes I am still thinking on this and know it needs to be bedtimes I tackle but not yet sure how to approach it. It is also linked to going on the conputer which I often do late at night and then the time goes round too fast. I think one problem is my changing schedule. On 2 mornings a week I teach at 8 am which means an early start. 2 mornings I am at home and can get up as late as I like. however it would be much more sensible to have a reasonably regular schedule with only slight variation. Then you add in evening church or charity committments which mean I might be later to bed beacuse of not being home. I am going to have to think hard about what I commit to. I think the fact that I am wriggling and perhaps reluctant to give up some TV programmes which finsh late is a definite sign that this needs tackling. Thanks for your sensible advice. I think starting small is the way to go rather than set upself up for failure.
One added complication the first part of the challenge will be in a holiday period for me and some of it I hope to be away from home with Hubby. This could mean the beginning is easier. Actually he does operate on a different schedule to me so earlier bedtimes could benefit us both.

Anonymous said...

so here's where I'm at. No computer until after I've spent time in prayer in the morning. Then no computer between 9:30-12:30, no computer from 1-7:30pm and then nothing after 8:30 in the evening. There will be an exception if I am working on a project for school (me), taking a test or doing research for school (me). This is going to be a very difficult habit to change but I am convicted that it must change. I must step away from the computer and focus more on God and my family.

Debbie said...

I'd like to join, too!
For me it's spending time studying God's Word. I'm doing great as far as prayer, worship, journalling, but I tend to push Bible reading to the background. So I want to commit to spending at least 15 min/day reading the bible. After 2 weeks I want to bump it up to 30 min.
I'm actually not online tons. I mean, I check email and FB multiple times a day but I don't do any substancial blogging (writing, reading, or commenting). So I'll have to make it a point to come here and check in.
Thanks for doing this, girl!

Brandi said...

Sounds great, Debbie! Very good habit and very "doable." :-)

Tami--Yours sounds great too! However, are you biting off too much too soon? Just asking...I want to see you succeed :-)

Brandi said...

Hi Char! I hope you still plan to join us! :-) Elly, what have you finally decided?

Anonymous said...

sorry I never got back to you
timing was wrong
I wanted to do a thing about bedtime and not going on computer late at night
and here I am doing it again.
I have been trying with bed times but being away and out of normal routine for a few days is not a great help. life has got realy busy and will be so for next couple of weeks with the charity that i am treasurer for.
I am continuing with exercise and although not perfect record it is starting to feature in my planning rather than being a tag on if I have time. the previous challenge really helped there.
Life really has changed quite a lot since I gave up my afternoon job and I am still working out what I should be doing. It is a season of change. Thank you for your encouragement. Maybe I will joln in properly next time round.