Friday, September 26, 2008

Habit Challenge, Day 10!

How's it going?

I was in bed on time last night, but not the night before since we got to San Antonio late!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lots of walking today, lost count of how long. Part of it was with my eldest daughter Bekki who is here for a couple of days. It was a beautiful day and fun to walk together and enjoy the water birds and big oak trees and just being together. We also walked to a church reunion this evening and caught up with friends from years back. So a good day and definitely what I needed to relax.

Anonymous said...

Elly, sounds like a wonderful day! I'm so glad that you were able to enjoy it with Bekki.

Brandi, great job getting to bed on time! You've been an inspiration to me which has led to my going to bed earlier this week. It feels so good to get up in the morning and make Jeff breakfast while he is exercising.

Missy said...

Hey, look at us! More than half-way there.

I don't think I updated for Friday - first middle school dance last night. EEEEK!

I did almost 3 hours - mostly nervous cleaning though. :)

Today, I stopped myself at 2 hours, so it's done!

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Walked 30 mins yesterday again with Bekki before putting her on a train home. It's been so good just to have my daughter around for a short time. I appreciate Debs too but she is here all the time and the bad ankle is stopping her walking with me.

Brandi said...

Great job, guys! I was not asleep on time Saturday bed on time, but Hubby and I got to talking about some important stuff. Sorry I forgot to post a check-in on Saturday and Sunday...I had an extremely busy day Saturday and yesterday was busy too!