Monday, November 24, 2008

A Worthwhile Read on Thankfulness

A read so worthwhile, that it motivated me to break my 16 day pregnancy-induced blog silence ;-)

I am subscribed to a list called "Laine's Letters." I absolutely love each one of her letters. They never cease to encourage and motivate me to being a woman of God who serves Him and her family well.

You can learn more here.

Dear Sisters,
It was a hard week last week. A lot to pray about. But our Father is faithful, and how we need to cling to Him during the tough times, as well as the good times. But during the tough times it is so good to nestle with Him a bit longer, isn't it? He can take us through anything. I happen to be one of His weakest kids, so I need Him so much. It is very true that when we are weak, He is strong.

It is Thanksgiving week, and we have so much to be thankful for, don't we? My mother used to tell me when times were hard for her that she only had room for one thought at a time in her mind, and she decided she would learn to make that a thankful thought to the LORD, rather than a fretful or worrisome thought. She's been practicing this kind of "Thanksgiving Thinking" for years now. Ever since I was a child. I have to say she is one of the most thankful and joyful people I know. I absolutely love being around her.

When our septic tank almost flooded over recently, I found myself almost automatically thanking God for everything I could think of in this situation. I know it is from my thanksgiving upbringing.

For when I was a child I remember the electricity being turned off at our house. Times were hard. But Mom was thanking God that night for our candles and how their glow made the casserole Grandma brought over look just like pizza. She almost had me convinced it even tasted like pizza! And when we had to live in a Volkswagen van for months and months while sleeping at rest stops or campgrounds along the highway, I never felt sorry for myself. How could I with a mother who saw thanksgiving in everything. I only saw her break down once and cry because she so desired a hot shower after being on the road so long. The rest of the time she made us feel like we were on this incredible adventure and so fortunate to be a part of it. We were so fortunate that even our two cats were with us!

There is nothing like a thankful Mama in the house. Or a thankful Mama in a Volkswagen van. For wherever my mother was that place was surely home.

"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful." Colossians 3:15

Oh, may God help me to be a thankful Mama in our house, as He has helped my own mother.

"For in this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I am overcome the world."

This verse is so true, isn't it? We do have tribulation in this world. But as the LORD says, "Be of good cheer! I have overcome the world!"

"Be of good cheer!"

"Be ye thankful!"

"I have overcome the world!"

You know the verse in Proverbs that says, "It is better to live on a corner of a roof than with a contentious woman?"

Well, it is absolutely wonderful to live inside a house, or even a van, with a very contented woman. And without a doubt, a contented woman is a very thankful and joyful woman.

Maybe you didn't grow up with a thankful mother. Maybe you don't know how to be thankful, especially in tough times. Well, as my mom was telling a friend recently who was struggling through this difficulty, "We only have room for one thought at a time in our minds, so we do well to make it a thankful thought to God our Father. By the time we're done thoroughly thanking Him, things aren't as bad as we first were thinking. And then we find ourselves rejoicing in His goodness to us."

You know what?

Mom is right.

And she didn't just thank God in the good of her life, but she also thanked Him through the very difficult. To this day.

"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the Name of our LORD Jesus Christ." Ephesians 5:20

"In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

"To the end that my glory may sing praise to Thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto Thee for ever." Psalm 30:12

Dear sisters, a thankful Mama makes a house or a van a real home, no matter what kind of difficulty is going on.

I know firsthand.

I choose to thank my Heavenly Father, too, in the Name of my LORD, Jesus Christ. Even during the difficulties. Especially during the difficulties. Praise His Holy, Holy Name!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all. May we be blessed with "Thanksgiving Thinking" all year long to the glory and praise of our Father, and for the joy of our dear families.

Maybe then we'll be blessed with those beautiful laugh lines around our eyes that light up my precious mother's face.


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Saturday, November 8, 2008

What I've Been Up To Lately

The above is a picture of an eight-week-old baby, and that's what I have in my tummy right now. :-) I'm very happy that we are expecting our fourth child at the end of June, but at this stage I've been feeling pretty yucky a lot of the time. Still, the yucky feeling is worth it!

The kids are soooo excited about there being a "baby in mommy's tummy," they keep asking about the baby, wanting to know details about the baby, and they even try to poke around to feel the baby or "find it" with binoculars while looking down my mouth. :-)

Just thought I'd give everyone an update!